Ukrainian Salads & Pickles
Ukraine is blessed with incredibly fertile soil and ideal growing conditions. The North-west of Ukraine is covered in dense woodland, perfect for mushrooms. But in the South of the country Ukraine is famed for it's giant plump tomatoes, and deliciously juicy aubergines.
Kiev (Kyiv) cuisine has flourished in recent years and restaurants have access to some of the best fresh food on the planet.
Ukrainian Salads
Salads play a big part in Ukrainian diet and culture. Ukrainian salads are naturally organic and are tastier and fresher than your supermarket produce back home.
Cucumbers and tomatoes are mostly pickled and Ukrainians use lots of herbs in there salads.

Olivier salad
Olivier (Olivye) salad is a traditional Ukrainian dish served at family meals and on special occasions such as Easter, Christmas & New Year.
Traditionally the ingredients are green peas, meat, eggs, potatoes, pickled cucumber, onion, mayonnaise and salt.
Varya Hutsulska salad
Another favourite Ukrainian salad that's tasty & healthy.
Ingredients are boiled beetroot, kidney beans and prunes mixed in a sunflower oil and seasoned.

Delicious pickled herring salad with onion, sunflower oil and pepper.
Oseledets is also known as "herring in fur coat" by many Ukrainians. Another salad that is often served at special occasions & on many restaurant menu's.
Ukrainian Pickles
Ukrainian pickles are primarily vegetables that have been fermented. Fermentation is a natural process. It is caused when natural good bacteria and yeast react together. It is healthy, fermentation also happens to be the “good” bacteria we need for a healthy microbiome and good gut health.

Ukrainian fermented cucumbers are a very popular side dish that can be served barely fermented or super fizzy if left to ferment for longer. They are often served with cold meats but can also be added to soups and stews.

There is nothing better (or tastier) than home made Ukrainian sauerkraut. It is primarily white cabbage thinly sliced with added carrots and salt. It is left to ferment for around 3 months until the fermentation process has transformed the dish into a tasty treat.

Fermented Tomatoes
You must try these if you have never had them before. Fizzy cherry coloured bombs that explode with flavour on your tongue. A simple dish consisting of water, salt, some garlic and peppercorns.

Pickled Mushrooms
Pickling has long been a tradition in many countries to prolong and keep seasonal vegetables. Ukrainian pickled mushrooms can be done in a variety of ways, but which ever way they have been prepared they are sure to be delicious.